I have been contacted by members of the Board of the NatureCenterabout a former single dwelling residence property at 1 Dromore Roadwhich the nature center would like to see acquired by the town as open space. This property is off DromoreRoad. It is comprised of 3 parcels, totaling 2.34 acres. It is bordered on the south side by the playing fields of Edgemont Jr-Sr High School. For many years the property was used by a family. On December 6th the house was demolished. The property was recently sold to a development company. The property is included in the Central Avemixed used zoning area. The NatureCenterwants to preserve this property for preservation as open space. It would provide a direct link between the GreenburghNatureCenter’s open spaceand the EdgemontJr-SrHigh Schoolopen space. Contiguous open spaceis crucial to preservation of wildlife habitats. If this property is developed for commercial or residential use, it would have a serious negative impact on the center’s functioning as a sanctuary for wildlife in lower WestchesterCounty. PAUL FEINER JOIN THE DISCUSSION...EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHTS...VISIT PAUL FEINER'S BLOG: WWW.PFEINER.BLOGSPOT.COM
I agree – that preserving this parcel of land is important. The NatureCenteris a real community treasure and we should make sure that the property is protected.
I will be contacting Edgemont civic leadersto ask them to support this initiative and will also reach out to the Westchester Land Trust and other organizations – seeking assistance so we can preserve this land.