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Paul Feiner 2007 Budget Letter
Release Date: October 30, 2006

Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner released the proposed town budgets for 2007. The budget message, in its entirety, can be found on the forms section of the town web site. The entire budget will be posted on the web site: www.greenburghny.com later this week.

There are two budgets—an “A” budget and a “B” budget. The “A” budget includes the entire town (villages and unincorporated Greenburgh). There will be a tax decrease of $9.20%. The “B” budget will include a very small increase of 1.01%.  The total amount in the “A” budget is $14,679,237. The total amount proposed for the “B” budget is $57,354,008. The hearing will be held on December 4, 2006. The Board has until December 20, 2006to approve a budget.

Your comments and suggestions will be welcome on the blog: www.pfeiner.blogspot.com.

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