The Greenburgh Town Board unanimously approved a resolution naming Brenda Connor-Bey as Greenburgh’s first Poet Laureate. She will serve a two year term.
We also appointed Mark McCrum as our new Director of Purchasing.
The Town Board also unanimously approved a resolution requesting Con Ed to conduct a study of the costs/feasibility of placing power lines under ground. I am requesting all other municipalities in Westchesterto approve a similar resolution.
The Board approved a resolution requesting authorization for the Commissioner of Parks to designate an area at EastRumbrookParkfor a future dog park. We anticipate that the dog park will open in 2007.
We continued our hearing on the proposed Verizon cable TV franchise agreement. No vote was taken but we’re getting closer to having a franchise that will result in cable TV competition. We hope to finalize the agreement by the September 27th Town Board meeting.
Some residents of E Hartsdale Aveappeared before the Town Board and requested that we work with the Parking Authority and create much needed additional parking spots for residents/commuters. The lack of adequate parking near train stations is not only a local problem but it has become a major regional problem. I intend to give this attention and have suggested the creation of a Parking Authority/Town Board/resident task force to come up with recommendations.