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44th year of bicycle Sunday's begin this Sunday!....stormwater education information
Release Date: May 03, 2018




I got my start in government and in politics in the 1970s. I served as the chair of the Task Force for Bikeways in Westchester. In 1973 we successfully lobbied the Westchester County Board of Legislators to appropriate funds for the first bikeway in Westchester- on the Bronx River Parkway, which many cyclists  still enjoy today.  Former Westchester County Executive Al Del Bello appointed me to his Bicycle Committee  in 1974 and we successfully pushed the county to close the Bronx River Parkway for cyclists on Sundays. That program continues today—44 years later . I am pleased that Bicycle Sundays starts this Sunday!  And, hope it will never be discontinued.


Bicycle Sundays on the Bronx River Parkway, one of Westchester’s longest-running and popular recreational programs, starts Sunday, May 6. The program is held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


The program runs May 13 and 20, June 3, 10, 17 and 24, and September 9, 16, 23 and 30. No dates in July or August.


Bicycle Sundays, a Westchester County Parks program, is sponsored by Con Edison, New York Presbyterian Hospital, the Westchester Parks Foundation and Danny’s Cycles, with support from WHUD.



During Bicycle Sundays, the parkway is open exclusively for bicyclists, in-line skaters, scooters, walkers and joggers from Exit 22 at the Westchester County Center to Exit 4 at Scarsdale Road in Yonkers, a round-trip distance of 13 miles. The road is closed to automobiles in that stretch of parkway. Admission to the event is free. Parking is available at the County Center lot in White Plains for $7.


Rules and Regulations:

• Bicyclists, in-line skaters, scooters, walkers and joggers ONLY; no unauthorized motor vehicles allowed.

• Walkers, joggers and slower wheeled traffic must use right lane; faster wheeled traffic must use left lane.

• Helmets are required by New York State law for children under 14 years of age, including those riding in bike trailers, and are recommended for all wheeled participants.

• New York State law prohibits children under age 1 from riding on bicycles or in a separate seat.

• All headsets are prohibited; this includes but is not limited to music devices and hands free

• cell phones.

• No skateboarding allowed.

• No dogs allowed.

• Bicyclists must obey posted parkway speed limit of 40 m.p.h.

• Children riding in strollers must be strapped in at all times.

• Children under age 10 must be accompanied by an adult.

• All participants must be off the parkway by 1:50 p.m.

Supervisor Feiner:





Americans want to help protect and improve the nation's land, water, and air. EPA’s GoGreen! is a short, text-based, monthly email newsletter from EPA. It summarizes recent news and info you can use to make a difference in your home, community, or workplace.


EPA News You Can Use - May 2018




Prepare for disaster before it strikes. This is the beginning of hurricane season in the U.S.  Learn ways individuals, communities, and businesses can plan ahead for safety, shortages, and storm cleanup. May 6-12 is National Hurricane Preparedness Week.


National Weather Service: https://www.weather.gov/wrn/hurricane-preparedness



Strengthening Science Used in EPA Regulations. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt signed a proposed rule to strengthen the science used in regulations issued by EPA. The rule will ensure that the regulatory science underlying Agency actions is fully transparent, and that underlying scientific information is publicly available in a manner sufficient for independent validation. "The era of secret science at EPA is coming to an end," said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. "The ability to test, authenticate, and reproduce scientific findings is vital for the integrity of rulemaking process. Americans deserve to assess the legitimacy of the science underpinning EPA decisions that may impact their lives."


First Water Infrastructure Loan Under WIFIA. EPA) issued its first-ever loan from the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program to King County, Washington, to help finance its Georgetown Wet Weather Treatment Station. "Today's loan marks a major milestone in advancing President Trump's vision for improving our country's water infrastructure," said Scott Pruitt. "EPA's WIFIA program is proof positive that we can achieve environmental protections and economic growth at the same time."


EJ Report Shows Tangible Results for Vulnerable Communities. The Environmental Justice FY2017 Progress Report highlights continued accomplishments to creating cleaner, safer, and healthier environments for minority, low-income, tribal, and indigenous communities. In FY2017, EPA delivered tangible results for the nation's most vulnerable populations. "EPA is committed to helping the most vulnerable communities create cleaner, safer, and healthier places to live, work, and raise families," said Administrator Pruitt.


Read more recent news from EPA: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/search



Air Quality Alerts: Warmer weather is coming, and EPA offers free resources that help you protect your family's health with air quality forecasts. These tools help everyone, everywhere be aware of the increased risk of ground-level ozone and fine particle air pollution (when combined, often referred to as smog), and take health precautions when air quality is a concern. May is Asthma Awareness Month.


Sign up for alerts where you live: http://www.enviroflash.info

Bee Safe with Pesticides. It's that time of year to start gardening ... and if you use pesticides where bees are present, always READ THE LABEL. Be sure you know how to use pesticides or other garden chemicals safely and correctly. More about protecting bees and other pollinators:


Don't Get Bugged. Mosquito season is almost here. You can help control mosquitos before they become a problem. Regularly drain or change standing water near your home - some mosquitos need only a few tablespoons (!) of water to breed. If you use insect repellents, always READ THE LABEL and be sure follow the directions.

Repellents: https://www.epa.gov/insect-repellents/using-insect-repellents-safely-and-effectively

Control ideas: https://www.epa.gov/mosquitocontrol

EJ Mobile Version. We've launched a mobile version of EJSCREEN, the environmental justice screening and mapping tool for those working on the ground in EJ. The mobile version provides most of the same key functions and features as the full, online version but in a more compact layout.


Try the mobile version: https://ejscreen.epa.gov/mapper/mobile

Fish and Shellfish. For most people, the risk from eating contaminated fish and shellfish is not a health concern. However, some groups of people such as pregnant women, children and the elderly are at a greater health risk than others. Learn about fish and shellfish advisories and how get advisories:


2018 Environmental Merit Awards (due May 11). EPA's office in New England is accepting nominations for New England people, organizations, government entities or businesses whose environmental achievements during the past year deserve recognition. These regional awards have been given out annually since EPA was created in 1970. Past recipients have included scientists, community activists, business representatives, public officials, and other individuals. Nominations are due May 11.


Winners of the 6th Annual Campus RainWorks Challenge.  We announced the winners of its sixth annual Campus RainWorks Challenge, a national collegiate competition that engages the next generation of environmental professionals to design innovative solutions for stormwater pollution. “Today’s students are tomorrow’s innovators,” said EPA Office of Water Assistant Administrator David Ross. “Through EPA’s Campus RainWorks Challenge, we are harnessing the creativity and enthusiasm of college students to solve local stormwater problems and better protect the environment.”

The 2017 winners (congratulations!):

•             University of California, Berkeley, Master Plan Category

•             University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Demonstration Project Category

The news release of the announcement:


Watch videos about the winners:




Prepárese para un desastre natural antes de que azote. Este es el inicio de la temporada de huracanes en Estados Unidos. Los individuos, las comunidades y los negocios pueden planificar con antelación para la seguridad, la escasez y la limpieza tras la tormenta. Del 6 al 12 de mayo se celebra la Semana Nacional de Preparación de Huracanes.

•             Aprenda más: https://espanol.epa.gov/espanol/informacion-general-sobre-la-preparacion-y-la-respuesta-frente-desastres-naturales

•             Para el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología de EE.U.: https://www.weather.gov/wrn/hurricane-preparedness (en inglés)

Information in English about Hurricane preparedness: https://www.epa.gov/natural-disasters/hurricanes

Versión Móvil de EJ. Lanzamos una versión móvil de EJSCREEN, una herramienta de rastreo y mapeo de justicia ambiental para aquellas personas que trabajan sobre el terreno en justicia ambiental o EJ, por sus siglas en inglés. La versión móvil provee la mayoría de las funciones y elementos clave que la versión completa en línea, pero su presentación es más compacta y asequible.

•             Más información: https://www.epa.gov/newsreleases/la-epa-lanza-aplicacion-movil-para-ejscreen 

•             Pruebe la versión móvil en inglés: https://ejscreen.epa.gov/mapper/mobile  

Information in English about EJSCREEN: https://ejscreen.epa.gov/mapper/mobile



VIDEOS - April releases:

It's Small Business Week 2018! Learn how EPA's Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization helps small and socio-economically disadvantaged businesses.


Midterm Evaluation of Light-Duty Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announcement regarding GHG emissions standards for cars and light trucks for model years 2022-2025.


Administrator Scott Pruitt's Opening Remarks. At the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment hearing, April 26, 2018.


Brownfield Grants Clean Up Contaminated Properties and Promote Economic Redevelopment Nationwide. In 2018, 144 communities were selected for grants to asses and clean up properties.


EPA and Idaho National Laboratory create first-of-its-scale Water Security Test Bed.  See how EPA and Idaho developed a full-scale, test water system for various types of contaminants and responses.


More EPA videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/USEPAgov/videos





Asthma Awareness Month

American Wetlands Month

National Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month


April 30 - May 4 Air Quality Awareness Week, https://www.epa.gov/airnow/airaware

6 - 12 National Hurricane Preparedness Week

6 - 12 Public Service Recognition Week


1 World Asthma Day

18 Bike to Work Day, https://www.epa.gov/what-you-can-do/bike-to-work

27 Rachel Carson's birthday



Americans want to help protect and improve the nation's land, water, and air. "GoGreen" is a monthly newsletter from the US EPA summarizing recent news and info you can use to make a difference in your home, community, and workplace.

Want more news? Read EPA news releases on topics that interest you.


Read our blogs: https://blog.epa.gov

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Recent additions to EPA's web site: https://www.epa.gov/home/recent-additions-epas-website

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Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460 United States



Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Aaron Schmidt, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Community Development and Conservation, at: aschmidt@greenburghny.com or visit www.epa.gov.


Paul Feiner

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