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snow blowers wanted! ...to help SNOW ANGEL REQUEST!
Release Date: March 14, 2017

Have been getting lots of calls from residents who are worried about how they are going to clear their driveways after the storm. We have a snow angel program, but not enough volunteers to meet the demand.  And, some of the volunteers who offered to help last year are not available today.


QUESTIONS: Would you or your son/daughter be interested in helping a neighbor clear their driveway of snow today or tomorrow?


If yes -- please advise if you (or your son/daughter) expect to be paid. 


If there are senior citizens/disabled residents on fixed incomes who need help are you willing to help as a volunteer? (Some seniors have - in the past - asked that a walkway be cleared to enable first responders or meals/wheels providers  get to them).  If the answer is yes - please advise what criteria you will use to determine whether you will be volunteering.


What neighborhoods of the town are you willing to provide help to?


How soon do you think you can be of help?  today...tomorrow...later this week?


Some residents always complain about the large piles of snow in front of their homes after the plows finish their job (and after their driveways were cleared). Would welcome people who might be able to assist in helping to clear that. This work shouldn't take as long as clearing a driveway.


Can I share this information with people who contact me. How should they contact you?  Phone/e mail.


I really appreciate your help.   Neighbors helping neighbors.  That is what makes Greenburgh special.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor



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