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Release Date: April 19, 2004

The Greenburgh Town Board unanimously approved the 2004 capital budget of $2,844,000.  The budget includes $284,645 for the purchase of a mobile command post where representatives of the various responding emergency  agencies can coordinate disaster operations while providing complete communications interoperability between the line units from the various agencies and command centers. It will also provide alternate means of secondary communications utilizing satellite telephones and wireless internet connections. Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner noted that this vehicle will enable first responders to better communicate with each other. NYC officials were criticized after 9/11 because police and fire departments were not always able to communicate with each other during that terrorist attack. This vehicle enables the town to be proactive.

Other highlights of the capital budget include:

*A parking/space study to be performed by an independent consultant at the Town Court. A locker room study of the police department –the locker room is very inadequate. There is a great need for additional space at the court. ($30,000)

*Bullet proofing of windows-desk area of police department. ($20,000)

*Construction of a disabled accessible walkway to the new interactive pool and main pools at AnthonyVeteranPark($40,000).

*Purchase and installation of light switches with sensors with an automatic shut off at Town Hall (energy conservation).($15,000).

*Emergency generator will be purchased for the multi purpose center at AnthonyVeteranPark. The facility will be used as a central location in the event of a blackout or similar emergency as a place where residents may come and have a short term place to stay which has electricity, heat and air conditioning. ($75,000)

*Speed humps—This project will partially fund the purchase of approximately 12 prefabricated speed humps to be placed on 3 streets in the town to be determined by the Chief of Police and Commissioner of Public Works ($17,000).

*Video conferencing equipment for Town Hall to enable town officials to communicate more effectively with high level officials, agencies and organizations ($8,000). This equipment, Feiner said, might also be rented out to the private sector.

*Additional sidewalks-A few years ago Feiner added a line in the capital budget for sidewalk rehabilitation ($125,000). This is part of an on going maintenance program. The Town Board voted to increase the funding by an additional $50,000.

The capital budget is on Greenburgh’s web site: www.greenburghny.com.

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