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County land deal to hurt Greenburgh and Ardsley
Release Date: July 05, 2008

No wonder people mistrust and want to abolish County government.

The Board of Legislators, with little public notice, is about to appropriate $13 million to buy and renovate a dilapidated office building/warehouse at 450 Saw Mill River Road in Greenburgh.  450 has been vacant for a long long time -- except for a brief time when the county rented it.  The stated purpose for purchasing this 85,000 square foot building is to house the new voting machines the county will purchase to comply with federal and state mandates.  $13 million dollars to house machines!

Newspapers have reported that the building is owned by a large contributor to the County Executive.

Most outrageous is that the county is doing what it always protests about the state and federal government.  It is placing an unfunded mandate on Greenburgh and the small Donald Park fire district that must protect this building with no taxes, as the county’s purchase takes it off the tax rolls.  Taking it off the tax rolls also takes another $200,000 a year out of the pockets of the residents of the small Ardsley school district.  So some Greenburgh taxpayers will see a property tax increase to subsidize a questionable deal.

Since the voting machines will need no more than 55,000 sq. ft, no more than 2/3 of the building, the county is now scurrying around trying to find a use for the other 1/3.  The county executive first proposed moving the Department of Environmental Facilities from New Rochelle, but

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