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Supervisors Goals 2000
Release Date: December 09, 2002


Supervisor Paul Feiner's


Supervisor Feiner is soliciting input for his 200l goals. Call Paul at 993-l540

Town Supervisor Paul Feiner to return $472.25 to the taxpayers. 90.6% of goals announced at the beginning of the year were achieved. $4,527.75 of the $5000 that the Supervisor voluntarily put into an escrow account will be returned to the Supervisor.

The following are my goals for the year 2000. As been my practice, I am placing 5% of my salary in escrow account with the town. At the end of the year my performance will be evaluated. These are my goals:

1. East Hartsdale Avenue - insure that a satellite Post Office opens on East Hartsdale Avenue- 100% complete.

2. Adopt a law to provide a discount to people who pay parking tickets within the same day--APPROVED- 100% complete.

3. Sculpture in the Park on East Hartsdale Avenue - more sculptures- 100% complete.

4. Public Access Cable TV Studio on East Hartsdale Avenue. This will show that the town is investing our resources to improve East Hartsdale Avenue--RENTED SPACE- 100% complete.

5. Cable TV - improve cable access TV, tape editing, fixed scheduling, review procedures relating to candidates running for office to ensure fair and equitable access to cable TV studio time - new E Hartsdale Ave cable studio made it easier to tape programs. Tapings take place in afternoon/different evenings. Reviewing fixed schedule - 10% complete---Cable TV programs are taped during more afternoon and evening hours.

6. Entrepreneurial Program - implement next step at Fairview Greenburgh Community Center for Entrepreneurial Program. This program will provide young people with an opportunity to learn job-training skills and to start their own student-run businesses. Continue job training and counseling for the students. Open up storefront - Have been meeting with HELPUSA. They are developing a proposal to start
a storefront operation on E Hartsdale Ave by May,200l. Senator Spano appropriated $25,000 towards this effort. My 200l budget, which was adopted, by the Town Board includes $40,000 towards this program.- 100% complete.

7. Campaign Finance Reform to be placed on the ballot. Place a referendum on the November 2000 ballot calling for some form of taxpayer financing of campaigns. This could include a brochure to be distributed townwide containing a selection of town-related questions and local candidates' answers. The League of Women Voters will be involved in setting up a committee that will provide recommendations to the town by the summer of 2000 - Report to be issued at December l3th meeting of Town Board - 25% completed . Committee issued a final report to the Town Board at
December l3th meeting with recommendations. The delay in receiving the report was due to the committee--not the Town Supervisor so action on the campaign finance reform measures could not be taken this year.

8. Complete Master Plan - adopt a short-term moratorium until the Comprehensive Plan is adopted. Adopt the Comprehensive Plan and forward proposed legislation implementing the goals of the Comprehensive Plan to the Planning Board for review and comment - Town received comprehensive plan from Saratoga Associates. - 25% complete.  Received and reviewed plan but have not, as of yet, adopted moratorium or started to hold hearings on plan. Master plan has been completed but not adopted.

9. Glenville Woods - continue pursuing the acquisition of part of the property as open space in concert with land use. Work out agreement with Trust for Public Land for the financing of part of Glenville Woods as open space - county commits $400,000 towards acquisition. State seems receptive towards  contributing funds towards purchase but has not given us a final OK as of yet.- 100% complete.

10. Finalize Adult Use Legislation - adopt local law to minimize the secondary impacts of adult use establishments in the town by imposing the most restrictive time, place and provision using measures successfully enacted elsewhere - Town Board to vote on adult use zone restrictions on December l3- 75% complete.--Proposed legislation drafted and scheduled for a hearing/vote at the January l0th, 200l meeting

11. Make decision on extent of Town Hall/Library expansion - should we stay in the existing building or move to acquire additional space. I've appointed Alfreda Williams to chair a task force - REPORT TO BE ISSUED at Dec l3 meeting- 100% complete. Decided to acquire additional space. Town Clerk to provide Town Board with report at Dec l3 meeting

12. Develop calendar and timetable for annual performance based evaluation for department heads - last year the town initiated performance-based pay for managers and department heads. - each department head will be evaluated by Dec l2th- 100% complete.

13. Establish monthly babysitting services to be held on Saturdays at the new Multipurpose Center (implemented in December)- 100% complete.

14. Adopt local law that addresses the problem of shopping carts being discarded on public and private property- 100% complete.

15. Adopt an amendment to Animal Control law that will prohibit animals designated as dangerous. Law drafted by Police Chief. Town Board, at December l3th meeting, to schedule hearing to consider adoption of local law - 75% complete. Police chief drafted law. Town Board scheduled hearing for first meeting in January. Law expected to be approved.

16. Complete Purchasing Manual - Purchasing manual completed- 100% complete.

17. Auction foreclosed property in a manner which maximizes revenues for the town after extensively publicizing the auction using the town's e-mail distribution system, the Town Board agenda mailing list, newspaper, public notices, and notices sent to surrounding property owners. Auction will take place in March. Over a year and a half ago we had
352 parcels that were scheduled for foreclosure. Now, the number is down to 35.During November Greenburgh filed legal papers in the courts seeking permission to foreclose on properties for which real property taxes are long overdue. About 35 parcels are involved. The process requires public notices in newspapers, postings at Town Hall and mailings to property owners and others. It is expected to take approximately 3 months before the town takes title to the properties. During that period the owners may redeem their properties by paying all taxes, penalties and interest that may be due. The town will hold an auction in March,200l. David Dwinell, Receiver of Taxes, will provide interested parties with info about the properties - 75% complete.

18. Develop Environmental Education Center to include home composting demonstration project - find location and develop staffing for home composting demonstration project. I am hoping the program can start in 2000, if not, no later than 2001.- 100% complete.

19. Expand hydrant flushing program to include larger area of the town - a continued review of the program reveals that it is within our means to flush the entire system during the year 2000. GOAL ACCOMPLISHED.- 100% complete.

20. Commence construction of the Greenburgh/Irvington joint venture pump station. Although the project will not be completed by the end of the year, construction should start in the year 2000. Construction has been started.- 100% complete.

21. Make the town's GIS system accessible to the public via the Internet, with the assistance of the county--TOWN OF GREENBURGH FIRST LOCALITY IN WESTCHESTER TO PLACE GIS ON INTERNET.- 100% complete.

22. Expand GIS to include more departments and link compatible with existing town software applications - appropriated $75,000 in 200l budget so that the town will be able to expand GIS. Conducting GIS needs assessment.- 100% complete.

23. Implement pool renovation at the Fairview Greenburgh Community Center. Pool renovations included in capital budget. Work to commence shortly.- 100% complete.

24. Develop recreational facilities on surplus Virginia Road property, using recreation escrow funds. Among suggestions - fully accessible disabled playground--received letter from Thomas Kelly, Valhalla School Superintendent, (May
6th) indicating that "it's important for the town of Greenburgh to recognize that no work can be performed on that site until final confirmation of the school district's own construction timelines can be made." It is the schools understanding that additional recreational opportunities may take the form of handicapped accessible playground, a walking track, sports courts and possible in line skating rink. Funding will come from monies placed in escrow as a result of the housing development Valimar.- 100% complete.

25. Implement Phase II of Pesticide ban program - working with environmental advocates.- 100% complete.

26. Develop management plan for Hart's Brook Nature Preserve and Arboretum and submit report to the National Park Service - Hart's Brook Nature Preserve and Arboretum committee has completed plan and will forward the plan for approval to town, county & state aencies as mandated in tri part agreement. John Middlebrook, a representative of the State Commissioner of Parks, has helped the committee bring this process to a meaningful conclusion.- 100% complete.

27. Begin transfer of records of Building Department to electronic file. Received grant funds to start work in winter.- 100% complete.


1. Completion of police accreditation - police accreditation: substantially complete. Documents at the printer. To be sent to the PBA and ratified by the Town Board. - 75% complete. Police Chief documents which must be reviewed by the PBA and approved by the Town Board (which is expected to take place next

2. Install playground at Taxter Road parklet. Taxter road parklet playground completed.- 100% complete.

3. Complete Pocantico Park improvements - new playgrounds, sidewalk improvements. Accomplished.- 100% complete.

4. Occupy Multipurpose Center and initiate programs at the Center. Accomplished.- 100% complete.

5. Initiate steps that will lead to playground at Massaro Park. Awarded bid.- 100% complete.

6. Continue monitoring agreement relating to Sprain Road and Austin Avenue development - the closing of the road will again be an appropriate goal in three years. I want to make sure that promises made are kept. light being installed. Meetings with Judge held on a regular basis, as
agreed to.- 100% complete.

7. Continue lobbying federal government to obtain federal flood relief for residents of Babbitt Court - this goal can only be implemented if there is adequate funding. Federal government approved $750,000 for study and design. Goal
accomplished.- 100% complete.

8. Pursue Book Mobile to increase access to library services - Book Mobile will not be established this year, however, I would like to make progress on this objective- 100% complete.

9. Monitor developments re: Tappan Zee Bridge to make sure interests of Greenburgh are addressed. Active in committee that is monitoring developments re: TZ Bridge.
Have spoken at hearings, am leading effort to persuade state to hire independent consultant to review need for new bridge.- 100% complete.

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