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Release Date: April 24, 2007

Al Regula, Commissioner of Public Works has presented the Town Board and me with a report analyzing the flooding problems on E Hartsdale Ave. The recent flood (April 16 & 17) resulted in nearly 8 inches of rain fall and significant damage to many drainage systems throughout the town. Extensive damage and flood related problems were experienced along E Hartsdale Ave. This was caused by the flooding of the stream located behind and under the properties on the west side of the avenue.

This stream serves to provide storm water drainage for the adjacent properties, as well as upstream areas. This stream is located almost exclusively on private properties, and does not have any easement on the part of the town. It is highly likely that floating debris, generated by stormflows, once again contributed to this most recent drainage backup.

The town has the ability of creating a drainage district. The formation of such a district has been accomplished by the town in the past. District formation would allow the cost for any engineering and analysis, as well as the cost for any improvements of the subject drainage system, to be borne by the district and funded by member property owners. The creation of such a drainage district would require legislative action by both the Town as well as approval by the state.

The Commissioner of Public Works has prepared a draft RFP for professional services for watershed analysis and engineering studies. These tasks would be initially required to determine what improvements, if any, are feasible for the drainage facilities located in the East Hartsdale Avearea.

I believe that we must act quickly. East Hartsdale Avemerchants were devastated by the storm. Almost half the street has been out of business for over a week. Some of the businesses won’t open for weeks. The restaurants may not open for a few months. We need to reassure our businesses that there won’t be a repeat incident. I hope to organize some meetings with residents of East Hartsdale Ave, property owners and the business community in the near future so we can move ahead with long term solutions to this serious problem.


Yesterday Chase Bank re-opened. Residents of 170 E Hartsdale Avealso were allowed to move back home, joining residents of 180 E Hartsdale Avewho moved back this weekend!

Greenburgh Town Supervisor





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