right hand corner under forms...absent ballot
The Greenburgh Town Board will be approving the following resolution tonight ==we will be hiring a consultant to review traffic issues concerning the proposed consolidation. A report will be presented to the community in January, before the February 12threferendum.
The Greenburgh school district and Town Board are independent of each other- with independent elected officials. The School Board does not answer to the Town Board.
WHEREAS, the Greenburgh Central School District proposes a consolidation of its school buildings on and in the vicinity of the Warburg Campus; and
WHEREAS, the consolidation would facilitate increased school capacity and has the potential to increase vehicular volume in the vicinity of the Campus, on New York State (West Hartsdale Avenue - 100A, Dobbs Ferry Road – 100B) and local Town roads (Juniper Hill Road, Keats Avenue, etc.); and
WHEREAS, the Town of Greenburgh became aware of the Central School Districts Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process, which included a Draft EIS, Final EIS, and related Findings; and
WHEREAS, the EIS contains various mitigations intended to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow as a result of the proposed Consolidation; and
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Greenburgh finds it in the best interest of the Town to utilize an independent traffic consultant, for the purposes reviewing the EIS and ensuring that the traffic findings and related mitigations are appropriate; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board approves a resolution authorizing the Town Supervisor to enter into a contract with Kimley-Horn & Associates Inc., for the purposes of traffic review associated with the Greenburgh Central School District’s proposed consolidation project, for an amount not to exceed $9,000.