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Release Date: November 15, 2018

Last night the Greenburgh Town Board heard a lengthy presentation from the applicant who wants to develop the Elmwood Country Club. Our meetings are streamed on the town website: link to the discussion is below




There are two options: 175 townhouses or 119 single family free standing homes.


The question: What will have the most positive impact on the community? .


Both sides were represented at the meeting and raised valid points.


Please watch the presentation. Your comments are welcome.


At last night’s meeting a consensus was reached to hire the services of a professional land use firm to do an independent environmental, traffic/environmental review of both proposals—and to analyze all concerns and questions residents have about the options.. Because we want community buy into the process – I suggested that representatives of all sides of the argument meet together, agree on the wording for an request for proposals  and prepare a request for proposals for a consultant. I also suggested that that committee, which would include the applicant, civic leaders, residents and representatives of the Elmsford Little League (which likes the idea of a free field being built and donated) meet with those who desire to do the review work for the town,  agree on a consultant that they all have confidence in.  The Worthington Civic Association, Hilltop Farms Civic Association will be represented. The Worthington Woodlands  civic association articulated concerns about a zoning precedent and tax ramifications if condo’s are built rather than town houses in addition to traffic worries.


We want the review process to be a partnership with the community. We want the consultant that will do the review to conduct a fair and honest analysis so the Board can make the right decision- and want the community to have confidence in the consultant that is selected.  That’s why, in my opinion,  it’s important that the community help select the consultant. 


We have reached out to the community in the past with other controversial projects – and in many cases have been successful in reaching a consensus. When everyone works together everyone wins!


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