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Release Date: November 08, 2018

It’s my policy to notify residents of proposed development plans as soon as I learn of them. This coming Tuesday representatives of Maplewood Swim & Tennis Club will be meeting with the Town Board in open session at 10 Am to discuss the possibility of redeveloping the site for an assisted living facility. The Town Board will discuss this topic at 10 AM on Tuesday, November 13th. Our meetings are streamed live on the internet: www.greenburghny.com. Representatives of the assisted living facility have not yet submitted an application. This is a preliminary meeting – to discuss the concept.  They will then decide whether to proceed.


I believe that if an assisted living facility is built that the developer should build, at their expense, a sidewalk on West Hartsdale Ave from the club to Central Ave. If an application is submitted we will have to conduct a formal environmental review.  Your thoughts are welcome and appreciated. Please e mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com.


Representatives in coordination with the Maplewood Swim and Tennis Club recently reached out to the Town expressing an interest in redeveloping the site. The club is located in the R-30 One-Family Residence District which permits uses such as: One-family detached dwellings; Places of religious worship, including part-time religious schools and parish houses, convents, monasteries, rectories or parsonages; Regularly organized elementary or secondary schools having a curriculum approved by the Board of Regents of the State of New York. This District also allows, by Special Permit, uses such as: Private clubs or social clubs operated by nonprofit membership corporations exclusively for members and their guests, including ice-skating, tennis, swimming and similar facilities; Private, religious or sectarian schools accredited by the New York State Board of Regents, providing sleeping quarters; Privately operated nursery schools, licensed or authorized by the Department of Education of the State of New York; Agency group homes; Assisted living facilities, etc. 


At the Town Board’s work session on Tuesday, November 13th (10:00am) representatives of an Assisted Living Facility will appear before the Town Board to discuss their interest in proposing an Assisted Living Facility at the site (which would necessitate a special permit from the Town Board, along with related land use approvals), which would replace the swim and tennis club. The meeting is open to members of the public and can be viewed on cable access TV or streamed from the Town of Greenburgh website. The Town Board will not make any decisions at this meeting as no formal application has been submitted to date.


Should the applicant wish to proceed,  a formal special permit and site plan application would then be filed by the applicant. When the Town considers Assisted Living facility applications it evaluates many factors including the building’s design, appearance, and buffers; new sidewalk potential in the vicinity of the proposal; tax revenue (fully built out, these uses generate approximately $500,000 annual tax revenue); EMS response requirements; driveway locations; etc. Any formal review of an Assisted Living Facility would include public hearings and SEQRA (environmental) review. If the applicant proceeds, the Town would encourage the applicant to coordinate with local residents and civic association groups to provide early input into design considerations. 


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