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Con Ed explanation of underground gas work- some roads are a mess---"no pain, no gain"--watch video
Release Date: November 02, 2018

 Have you noticed that there are lots of roads in Greenburgh and the villages within Greenburgh that have steel plates on roads roads--covering up gas pipes they are working on? Have you seen Con Ed trucks digging up the roads and addressing their underground gas infrastructure?  Con Ed spent $8 million enhancing the gas infrastructure in Greenburgh this year and they will spend millions more next year-- in Greenburgh and around the county.


There is a motto - "no pain, no gain". Although the Con Ed gas infrastructure work is necessary, residents who live near the locations where the gas work has been taking place are inconvenienced. The roads are a mess during construction, it takes many weeks before the work is completed and the roads repaved. 

At the last Town Board meeting - representatives of Con Ed summarized the work they are doing around town and answered questions. The link to the meeting is below:





Due to poor weather for a second straight weekend, Elmsford Little League is postponing its evaluations for the spring season until early January.  Early Bird Registration will remain open now through November 30th, 2018.  The price for Baseball and Softball will increase on December 1, 2018.  The price will go from $250 to $275 for Baseball and from $175 to $200 for Softball.  We will continue to have the sibling discount throughout and registration will END on December 31, 2018.  Please go to www.elmsfordlittleleague.org now and enroll for the Spring Season!


 Paul Feiner

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