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Release Date: October 24, 2018

Con Ed is spending millions of dollars in Greenburgh on infrastructure - improving gas lines. That's the good news. The bad news: Roads are being ripped up. It takes a long time for Con Ed to complete work on given streets. And, while their crews are out residents are inconvenienced, complaining about the mess. This is happening all over the town and region.

At tonight's Town Board meeting--beginning at 7:30 PM Con Ed officials will make a presentation to the Town Board and will answer questions from the community. Some questions: How does Con Ed determine the roads that they are working on?  How long does it take from start to finish to complete the repairs?  Will Con Ed mill and repave each impacted road after the work is done?  How come sometimes people see no one on a street for days after the work was started? What are the benefits of doing the work? Does Con Ed coordinate with local governments -- years ago we repaved a road and a short time after we repaved the road Con Ed dug it up?  


Our meetings are streamed on the internet: www.greenburghny.com



Good morning Paul, 

At the last CAC meeting, members agreed it would be helpful if you sent out an email blast related to ConEd tree trimming (attached is the CAC’s suggested notice for your use which is very similar to the information being posted by ConEd).

We understand ConEd will be trimming soon and have seen trucks mobilizing in the area.

ConEd placed a letter in the Journal News and sent letters out to residents but we know not everyone reads this paper and not everyone has received this letter.

Your e-blast would be one more way to reach out to Town residents.

We also suggest you cc the Chief of Police in case residents call the police with questions related to the trimming.


Thank you so much,

Donna Maiello, Greenburgh CAC member


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