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Trying to come up with plans that will provide neighborhoods, including Edgemont, more input
Release Date: October 23, 2018

On October 17, 2018 the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department determined the Greenburgh Town Supervisor was correct in finding the petition for a referendum vote in Edgemont “insufficient”. However, the ramifications of this ruling were not a winning moment for either party in the legal matter, as those in Edgemont who desired a greater say in their government did not achieve their goal and many of the residents of the balance of unincorporated Greenburgh remain disquieted by the effect any future incorporation, by any of our communities, might have on the lives of the remaining residents.


It appears the issue most important to our residents is developing a mechanism which provides greater community input into land use decision making, relating to the type, size and location of new development within local neighborhoods. Is there a model which can better provide a sense of inclusion for communities within the unincorporated town? Is it possible for the town, with input from our community members, to develop a structure, where decisions on "land use" and future development in specific areas of Greenburgh may be reviewed by local "advisory committees" prior to a Greenburgh Planning Board and Town Board decision?


Is it possible to develop a paradigm, not just for Edgemont, but for each of the communities within the unincorporated town, where committees or knowledgeable residents might review plans for development in their specific neighborhoods and proffer a recommendation to the Town Board or Planning Board, prior to the formal decision making?


I believe there are structural options which could provide additional input and greater representation from our neighborhoods. I believe the residents of our town possess skills and expertise which could provide an informed, local perspective to the Town Board and Planning Board and that determining such a structure is easily within our ability.


In the coming weeks and months, with the support of the Town Board, I will begin to reach out to those in leadership in our communities, with the hope of developing a structure of local advisory committees whose mission is to study such a potential model.  I ask any members of our community with thoughts on this subject to e mail me or write with suggestions and I welcome any and all opinions and concepts. Each suggestion will be shared with the Town Board. My e mail is pfeiner@greenburghny.com. My cell phone is 914-438-1343.



Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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