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Halloween events -including an adult only halloween party in Ardsley
Release Date: October 16, 2018

HALLOWEEN EVENTS- Adults only Halloween party in Ardsley to raise funds for Juvenile Diabetes, a dog parade at E Rumbrook Park, Spooktoberfest at Hartsbrook Nature Preserve, Trunk or Treat at AF Veteran Park, Halloween window painting in Hartsdale and numerous regional events- including in nearby Sleepy Hollow


There are many Halloween events in our area to take your family to in the coming days.  Kimberly Salshutz  of Ardsley came up with an interesting idea - a fundraiser to help those who have  juvenile diabetes. She prepared the following you tube PSA. Kimberly and her family moved to Ardsley from NYC 5 years ago. Soon after their move their daughter Sophia was diagnosed with type I diabetes. She and her family are pioneering a cure ever since. She is hosting along with the Juvenile Diabetes research foundation a one time fundraiser open to everyone. The live band (BAD ART) is composed of 5 Ardsley dad's and its hosted at LIFE the PLACE to BE. kssalshutz@gmail.com -for more info!


Lohud.com has a listing of great events you can take your family to by clicking onto the following link:https://www.lohud.com/story/entertainment/2018/10/02/11-cant-miss-hudson-valley-halloween-events-kids/1486402002/


Rivertownsguide.com also has some updated Halloween family events.



(the Hudson Independent.com also posts some fun events and even a Halloween 5k race)

Dogs and humans alike are invited to strut their stuff and show off their Halloween costumes at the dog park


October 27 from 10 am to 12 noon.





Town of Greenburgh: Spooktoberfest 2018

The Town of Greenburgh Department of Parks and Recreation would like to announce their annual Spooktoberfest     event will be held on Saturday, October 20th from 12 noon- 4:30pm, (rain or shine) at the Hart’s Brook Park on Preserve, 156 Ridge Road in Hartsdale.

Spooktoberfest is the ideal   family event where children can  climb on  inflatable rides,  get their face painted,  take  a hay ride through  the woods, visit with the animals from the Greenburgh Nature Center, and be   entertained by musicians, clowns,   jugglers and the Bubble Bus!

 New for 2018 is David Engel’s “Wizard Academy” show, and live music by “Push for Heat”.

 Feast on food from several of Westchester’s favorite food vendors including, The Grub Truck, Salsa Fresca, and the Gyro Uno Truck.


Tickets are only $6.00 per person and children under 2 years old are free!    Listed below is the     entertainment schedule:

         “Larger than Life”:  DJ:  12 noon – 4:30pm

           Confetti Clowns:  12:45   - 1:15pm

          “Push for Heat” Band:  1:00 -3:00pm

           The “Captain Charlini” Magician: 1:45-2:30 pm

           Bubble Bus: 1:00-3:00pm

           David Engel: “The Wizard Academy”: 2:45 – 3:30pm

           Ned Gelfars, Comedy Juggler: 3:45 - 4:30 pm

           Greenburgh Nature Center Petting Zoo and Cider Press


 All parking and ticket sales for this event will be at Ridge Road Park, which is directly across from the Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve. Shuttle buses will be available from Ridge Road Park to the event. Directions and further information is available on the town’s website: CLICK HERE

For further information, please call 989-1822, or email pmurphy@greenburghny.com.


Trunk or Treat  

Day/Times: Saturday 2pm-4pm

Location: AFV Park- Parking Lot  

Dates: October 27, 2018

Ages: K-3rd Grade

Fee: $5/car-Residents/$10/car Non-Residents

Bring your entire family, your Halloween candy and join Greenburgh Parks & Recreation Dept in providing a safe and fun environment for children to Trick or Treat with their friends.  Pre-Registration is required

 Click here for flyer and registration info.

Click here to register online.

For more information contact Keith Wright (914) 989-1816 or kwright@greenburghny.com


Bring your entire family, your Halloween candy and join Greenburgh Parks & Recreation Dept. in providing a safe and fun environment for our children to Trick or Treat with their friends.

2pm to 4pm at A.F. Veteran Park - Car Setup from 1 to 2

“Larger Than Life” DJ and clowns will provide Halloween Music and entertainment.

Trunk Decorating Contest! 3 Winners will be chosen for the best decorated cars. Have fun and get creative.

Pre-Registration is required.

Sign up online or in our registration office.

Only $5/car for residents, $10 non-residents

What is a Trunk or Treat

Park your car, set up your site, bring your costumed kids and then pass out your treats to kids as they come by.

How much candy/treats should I bring? Enough for about 50 cars.


What: Halloween Window Painting 2018

When: Saturday Oct. 27, 2018-rain date Sunday Oct. 28

Time: 9am-12pm

Location: Hartsdale Village


This annual event is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Hartsdale in cooperation with Greenburgh Parks & Recreation. Registration deadline is Friday October 12, 2018. Pre-registration is required.  Please mail in your registration.


For more information contact Keith Wright (914) 989-1816 or kwright@greenburghny.com

The Greenburgh Nature Center will not be holding any Halloween events this fall because of renovation of the Manor House.


Have a great Halloween season!


Here are the details of the party:


What:  An adult Halloween Costume Party

When:  October 26th

Time:  8:00 pm - midnight

Where:  LIFE the PLACE TO BE, Ardsley


Why:  To generate funds to cure type 1 diabetes

Hosts:  Salshutz Family and JDRF


Tickets:  $150 per person

Includes:  unlimited drink and food, live music, DJ, Comedian, raffles, silent auction and Costume PRizes!


Attached is a flyer.




With much appreciation and Regards,

kimberly Salshutz

 Halloween Ball Flier Oct. 26-$150.pdf



-- Party of 2018!  Ask me for more Information!

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