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Release Date: October 13, 2018

September 11, 2001 is a day that many of us will never forget- four coordinated terrorist attacks by Al Qaeda against the United States. 2,996 people were killed, over 6,000 injured. Additional people have since died of 9/11 related cancers and respiratory diseases in the months and years.

Many Greenburgh residents were impacted. We lost some of our residents.  Other Greenburgh residents lost family members and friends. First responders from Greenburgh--including many firefighters- volunteered their time at Ground Zero, the buildings at the World Trade Center helping with the aftermath.


This Wednesday, at 7 PM at Greenburgh Town Hall, we will hold our first 911 Living History Committee meeting.  Members of the committee will be asked to interview Greenburgh residents whose lives were touched by 911.  The interviews will be aired on local cable TV channels and given to the Greenburgh Library, to schools and to our local Town Historians.  Although these living history interviews may not be appreciated by many now -because 911 is still fresh in many of our memories - in decades to come - future Greenburgh residents and students will have a better appreciation of the impact of 911 on Greenburgh residents.


If you are interested in joining the committee you are invited to attend our meeting this Wednesday, October 17 at Greenburgh Town Hall at 7 PM. If you cannot attend but are interested in being a part of our efforts please e mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com and I will advise you of future meetings.


The plan is to model this living history initiative on our Greenburgh veterans living history interviews. Almost 150 veterans were interviewed for a half hour each about their experiences.  The broadcasts are aired during Memorial Day and Veterans day weekends. I hope the 911 living history tapes will be aired on 911 every year.  These interviews can be watched by clicking onto the following link:




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