Have you ever taken a look at the Greenburgh website www.greenburghny.com?
Have you had difficulty finding information that you are looking for?
If you have been frustrated because you can't locate a document or information that is important to you - you are not alone.
And, the Greenburgh Town Board is doing something about it.
In recent months our Technology Committee, made up of citizens, has been reviewing our website with town staff. They determined that our website (which was one of the first local government websites--15 years old) is out dated and not as good as other communities. The committee and town sent out a request for proposals. 13 companies submitted bids and the committee spent part of the summer months interviewing the finalists. At our last Town Board meeting they selected Civic Plus to design a new town website.
If you have any suggestions please e mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com. What don't you like? If you lived in another community before moving to Greenburgh was their website better?
We want to provide you with information you need about your town government and want to make it easy for you to obtain it. A local governments website provides potential homeowners with the first impression of the community.
The resolution we approved is below.
WHEREAS, the Town’s current website management software has been in use for 15 years, has reached its technical end-of-life effectiveness and is due for a replacement; and WHEREAS, the Town Board directed that Town staff evaluate the website in its entirety and recommend an appropriate course of action since the site has basically had the same look and features essentially since its inception; and WHEREAS, Town staff along with a citizens technology committee and Town Board liaisons determined that significant changes are needed to the Town’s website to make it more user-friendly, feature-friendly and smartphone-friendly, and WHEREAS, Town staff solicited requests for proposal for the redesign and maintenance of the Town’s website; and WHEREAS, the Town received 13 proposal; and WHEREAS, after reviewing these proposals, based on qualifications, four firms were selected for interviews; and WHEREAS, the required qualifications included government website experience, upgrades that could provide staff with the ability to upload to the website directly and easily, ADA compliance, improved communication to website visitors, effective and efficient search engine protocols, site security, availability of upgrade modules, etc.; and WHEREAS, after the interviews and vendor demonstrations the evaluation team determined that CivicPlus is the best choice to provide website redesign and consulting services for our town and recommended the Town Board execute the contract with CivicPlus, negotiated by staff at a reduced rate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Town Board of the Town of Greenburgh hereby authorizes the execution of the attached contract with CivicPlus, 302 S. 4th St. Suite 500, Manhattan KS 66502, subject to approval by the Town Attorney as to form, to re-design, install and maintain the Town of Greenburgh website, in an amount not to exceed $72,252.