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Release Date: September 16, 2018

Everyone loves a great parade! And, a great parade is being held in Dobbs Ferry today beginning at 3 PM. If you have children who love fire trucks this parade is for them to enjoy. Volunteer fire departments from around the county  will show off their apparatus and trucks   and  will participate in the parade.  Dobbs Ferry, a village within Greenburgh, has some great restaurants  and interesting shops along the route of the parade. At the end of the parade marcher's will congregate at the beautiful waterfront park -overlooking the scenic Hudson River for an awards ceremony.  A fantastic event your entire family will enjoy!   And, please thank our volunteer firefighters who are there for the community day, night, weekends and holidays. These volunteer companies save the taxpayers millions of dollars.



Westchester County Volunteer Firemen Association Convention Parade

Event Date: 
Saturday, September 15, 2018 - 3:00pm

Dobbs Ferry FD and Ardsley FD will be co-hosting the 112th annual Westchester County Volunteer Fireman's Association Convention. 

The dress parade for the event will take place on Saturday, September 15th beginning at 3:00 p.m. at Ashford Avenue at Price Street.  The Parade will proceed down Ashford Avenue, to Cedar Street, to Main Street and conclude at Waterfront Park.

Please note the following street closures during the time of the parade:

The Gateway will be shut down for probably 1.5 hours to allow all of the apparatus/trucks/etc to go by ... this is at Broadway/Ashford/Cedar, causing very little to no traffic to get through from Hastings to Irvington

Ashford will be closed from Broadway to Price Street most of the afternoon, so people coming off the Saw Mill will all need to reroute through side streets or turn around

Parking along Main and Cedar will be restricted from noon-6pm (possibly earlier if the parade finishes earlier)

Parking along Livingstone will be restricted as well (for residents, who the WCVFA apparently is notifying ahead of time)

Paul Feiner



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