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Dog swim Sat & Sunday, old videos/photos of dog swim...link to WVOX interview with Westch. Power
Release Date: September 07, 2018

TOMORROW- SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Greenburgh dogs get their chance to swim and human beings can watch. The lower pool at AF Veteran park on Heatherdell Road will be open to dogs from 10 AM to 2 PM.


This is a fantastic event- we’ve had a few hundred dogs show up on some dog swim days of the past.  If you have a dog and are thinking about taking your dog to the pool tomorrow but want more info – I located some old video’s and photo’s. I hope your dog will have a great time tomorrow and Sunday. And, also hope you’ll have fun too!










Dan Welsch , Program director, of Westchester discusses the ESCO that Greenburgh and the villages within Greenburgh have signed on to on my WVOX radio show this morning. Since June,2016 Westchester Power has supplied Greenburgh utility rate payers with lower cost energy. 613 tons of carbon dioxide were avoided by customers who opted into the renewable energy supply and Greenburgh customers saved $2,156,547 collectively (the average person saved just under $8 a month).   Among the reasons why there are savings: the residential and commercial accounts are exempt from some portion of the sales tax on the delivery. And the ESCO purchases in bulk. Every resident of Greenburgh is automatically enrolled in the ESCO but residents can opt out if they like –and stay with Con Ed or join another ESCO.

Westchester Power is able to work out a contract for two years with a company that will commit to freeze the rates for the term of the contract.  The 38 minute program, without commercials can be listened to here:





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