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60 tickets issued by NYS police on Sprain in one day...on line petition to urge scouts to award
Release Date: August 15, 2018

If you don't like getting tickets avoid speeding on the Sprain Parkway--60 tickets issued in one day!


I am suggesting a digital speed board be placed on parkway advising motorists how many tickets were issued


You are invited to sign on line petition urging Boy Scouts to award Greenburgh scout Eagle designation for meeting all requirements but for a technicality


Sprain Parkway is one of the more dangerous parkways in our county - with numerous accidents, lots of speeding and periodic fatalities. According to the greenburghdailyvoice.com "dozens of motorists were cited for speeding on the Sprain Brook Parkway on Tuesday, as police conducted a special speed enforcement detail in Westchester.

New York State Police Troopers were out in force on the parkway on Tuesday in Greenburgh and Yonkers, dishing out a total of 60 tickets, including 49 for speeding. 

The latest detail is the most recent for State Police, who have been busy all summer in an attempt to curtail speeding and distracted driving.

Last week, a man was clocked going 99 mph during a detail on I-684. Last month, nearly 12,000 tickets were issued statewide during the annual July 4 crackdown."

I have written to the NYS police suggesting that they post a digital speed board at locations on the parkway indicating how many tickets they recently issued. I think that motorists would slow down if -while driving - they see a digital board advising them how many tickets were issued at the specific locations.  The Greenburgh police periodically post  ticket information on digital boards. And, I think it's effective.



 Last week I reported that Life Scout hari-channagiri was responsible for building a bridge on the walk near the dog park. He fulfilled all the requirements for becoming an Eagle Scout but one-- he was only a Life Scout for 4 months instead of the required 6 months before his 18th birthday. Hari was honored by the Greenburgh Town Board last Wednesday. Many of us feel that the Boy Scouts of America should make an exception and award Hari his Eagle Scout designation. An on line petition has been started and I was proud to add my name to the list of Hari's supporters.

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