Greenburgh is applying for a $60,000 grant that will help us identify areas around town that should be greener with more trees. If we get the grant we will apply for a second round of grant funding next year for more trees. If you would like Greenburgh to become greener with more trees –and support this initiative please e mail me. Letters or e mails in support will be included in our application.
Good afternoon Paul,
The Town of Greenburgh is preparing an application for the NYSDEC Urban & Community Forestry Program Round 14 Grant. The proposed project will consist of a Tree Inventory and Community Forest Management Plan. The tree inventory and management plan will enable the town to prioritize tree maintenance work and identify planting sites and growing space along streets within the Town Right-of-Way. The tree inventory will provide data that can be shared with the public to demonstrate the environmental benefits of the urban forest by showcasing its value in carbon sequestration and storage, reducing stormwater runoff and saving energy. Tree population characteristics including species diversity, diameter size class distribution, general health, priority maintenance, and potential pest-related threats to trees, will be identified. The tree management plan will assist in scheduling and budgeting tree maintenance, ensuring that the Town’s tree work is more effective and efficient.
A letter of support from residents or community leaders would augment and strengthen our chances at being awarded this grant. Perhaps you can reach out to residents or civic association leaders. I am hoping to have the application finalized by Wednesday, July 11th.
Thank you,
Carol Murray
Junior Civil Engineer
Town of Greenburgh
Department of Public Works