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Release Date: July 05, 2018


Thursday, July 5th 7 PM
?The Start of the William Carter Summer Music Series...
The Department of Community Resources, in partnership with the Friends of TDYCC and All Star Clinics, are pleased to welcome KINDRED THE FAMILY SOUL to open the 2018 WLC Summer Jazz Series on Thursday, July 5th in Yosemite Park - 40 Yosemite Ave., White Plains, NY 10607  at 7 PM tonight! Yosemite Park is located off of Tarrytown Road in back of the Theodore Young Community Center.
World class jazz.  Concerts are held outdoors -but under a pavilion. Seating is provided.



Sivadasan Nair organized the very successful International Day of Yoga 2018 a few weeks ago at Webb Field, RIchard Presser Park on Central Ave.  He is now offering free yoga sessions at the Greenburgh Nature Center on Thursday's at 6 PM and Sunday's at 9 AM.  The Town Board will be honoring Sivadasan Nair at an upcoming Town Board meeting- thanking him for introducing yoga to many of our residents and for organizing free yoga sessions for the community.

International Day of Yoga 2018
My name is Sivadasan Nair. I have been a resident of Edgemont, Greenburgh since 2000. I live in Edgemont, with my wife Dr. Jayasree Nair and three children; elder one is in college now and the younger ones are attending Edgemont high school.
I am an active participant of social and political activities in the community. I am the founder and currently the president of Indian Cultural Association of North America. Besides that, I am the Chairman of Indian American Democratic Committee of Westchester, President of home owners association of Scarsdale Woods Condominium for the last 7 years, Convener of Overseas Freinds BJP (New York chapter), the ruling party in India, Former secretary of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (New York) etc.
Indian Cultural Association of North America conducts International Yoga Day with Indian Consulate every year since it was declared by the UN. We also conduct India’s independence Day flag hoisting and Diwali (a popular Indian festival),every year in Westchester.
This year, we are very fortunate to collaborate with the Greenburgh Parks and Recreation and Indian consulate woth the support of various organixations in Westchester to conduct our 4th International Day of Yoga.
• is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition
• makes both body and mind healthy.
• If practiced regularly, all health related problems can be overcome.
• generates peaceful environment.
• It can also help us to deal with the climate change.
• gives strength to the muscles and whole part of the body.
• The Respiration process becomes healthy; energy and power are
also developed in the body via yoga.
• Maintains balanced metabolism in the human being.
• Helps in reducing weight and also keep the cardio system healthy.
• It connect people with each other, helps in practicing meditation
and in getting relief from stress.
• Therefore, we should practice Yoga regularly and make it the part
of our life
• UN passed the resolution to observe International day of Yoga on
June 21st of every year.
• The UN passed the resolution to observe International day of Yoga
on June 21st of every year upon Indian Prime Minister Naredra Modi’s appeal for World Yoga Day in 2015
• Please see few photographs of our yoga sessions
Over 100 people actively participated in the event We had Yoga trainers from 5 different schools
We reached out to White Plains hospital and they generously provided 100 freeYoga mats.
Indian consulate gave great inspiration and immense support in planning and they provided 100 free T-Shirts Even the predicted thunderstorm had to move out of our way to make sure our hard work is paid off.
Looking forward to continue the Yoga awareness among Greenburgh community for health, harmony and peace
We have been conducting International Day of Yoga since its implementation by the UN in 2015
Photo's attached of International Day of Yoga--Webb Field, Richard Presser park



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