An advisory to all parents- remind your child to be careful. Paul Feiner
An important message from the Superintendent of Schools,
Dr. Kristopher Harrison
May 22, 2018
Good evening,
Please see the important public safety alert that was just released by the Tarrytown Police Department.
"This agency is investigating a suspicious incident which took place on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at approximately 0810 hours, near the intersection of Meadow Street and Millbrook Ave. A 10 year old child who attends the Main Street School, Irvington School District was standing near this location waiting for the school bus when a late model Honda Civic Four Door Sedan, bearing an unknown New York yellow color "Empire" style plate, traveling North on Meadow Street pulled up and stopped near the child. Child reports a male white possibly in his twenties or thirties with dark hair and short goatee spoke to the child through an open passenger side window. The male asked, "Do you need a ride to school?" When the child said "No" the male pulled away travelling North on Meadow Street towards Route 119."
Below is a picture of the actual vehicle involved:
Any individual who can assist in identifying the above pictured vehicle, or who has had similar activity is asked to contact the Tarrytown Police Detective Division at (914) 631-1514.
Please be assured that the Irvington School District is in consistent communication with our law enforcement partners to ensure the safety of our students.
Very truly yours,
Dr. Kristopher Harrison
Superintendent of Schools
Irvington Union Free School District, 40 North Broadway, Irvington, NY 10533