50 YEARS AGO TODAY REV. DR. MARTIN L. KING JR WAS MURDERED. Dr. King invoked the truth ….that all humans ought to be treated with a certain dignity. Greenburgh has a very active Human Rights Committee. The committee, thanks to the hard work of Jonathan Campozano and Karine Patino, organized a forum—Know your Rights for Immigrants. The You Tube video that they created can be viewed by clicking to the link below. The committee meets monthly and welcomes the participation of other residents in the community who care about human rights.
On Monday, February 5, 2018, the Greenburgh Human Rights Advisory Committee held a Know Your Rights presentation at the Theodore D. Young Community Center. They discussed the rights individuals have, regardless of immigration status, when encountering Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) at home, in public, or at work. In addition, they discussed a recent resolution passed by the Town Board of Greenburgh establishing the relationship between the Town of Greenburgh Police Department NY and Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Thank you to Jonathan Campozano and Karine Patino, attorneys who led the presentation.
Founded in 2015 on the initiative of Town Supervisor Paul Feiner, the Greenburgh Human Rights Advisory Committee’s aim is to advance and protect human rights by furthering racial, social, ethnic, gender, economic, cultural, environmental and political justice in Greenburgh. We advise the town government on human rights issues and provide informational and educational forums for the public designed to support residents in expanding their knowledge base on human rights, as well as options to consider should they feel that their human rights have been violated. We also serve as a resource to help facilitate better understanding among the town's diverse population.
En Lunes, Febrero 5, 2018, el Comité de Enlace de Derechos Humanos de Greenburgh hicieron un taller de Conozca Sus Derechos en el Theodore D. Young Community Center. Ellos discutieron los derechos que tiene los individuos, independientemente del estado migratorio, al encontrarse con Immigration and Customs Enforcement ("ICE") en el hogar, en público o en el trabajo. En adición, discutieron una resolución reciente pasado por La Junta del Pueblo de Greenburgh que establece la relación entre el Departamento de Policía de Greenburgh y ICE. Gracias a Jonathan Campozano y Karine Patino, abogados quien lideraron la presentación.
Fundado en el 2015 por iniciativa del Supervisor del Pueblo Paul Feiner, el objetivo del Comité de Enlace de Derechos Humanos de Greenburgh es avanzar y proteger los derechos humanos fomentando la justicia racial, social, étnica, de género, económica, cultural, ambiental y política en Greenburgh. Asesoramos al gobierno del pueblo en temas de derechos humanos y proporcionamos foros informativos y educativos para el público diseñados para ayudar a los residentes a ampliar su base de conocimientos sobre derechos humanos, así como opciones para considerar si sienten que se han violado sus derechos humanos. También servimos como un recurso para ayudar a facilitar una mejor comprensión entre la población diversa de la ciudad.
Jonathan Campozano, Esq.
Immigrant Justice Corps Fellow
Empire Justice Center