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Release Date: March 27, 2018

In recent months I have been forwarding numerous e mails complaining about postal service operations to the United States Postmaster General.  I received the following response from the United States Inspector General’s office  which indicated that operational procedures were not being followed. A follow up found that operations had improved. The Inspector General’s office will be conducting monthly follow up meetings in Greenburgh.


After the Postal Service received hundreds of complaints they changed postmasters in Hartsdale and granted local postmasters more control over hiring part time employees. An emphasis will be – trying to hire more people locally.


I participated in a meeting with area Postmasters and the Regional Administrator of the US Postal Service recently. United States Senator Schumer’s regional representative and assistants to Congresswoman Nita Lowey also participated in the meeting –which was also attended by other municipal officials from around the county.


Yesterday, I met with officials of the Northeast Regional American Postal Workers Union. I received an e mail summarizing the meeting and their desire to help us improve postal service operations.  That e mail is posted below.


I continue to receive daily complaints from residents about postal service operations which I am forwarding to Postal Service leaders, union officials and members of Congress. I am pleased to report that the number of complaints received is much less. However- residents continue to complain about mail being delivered to the wrong address, prescription drugs not being received, not getting checks or bills in the mail, etc…


The goal: not to complain but to make sure that our postal service is reliable. If mail is lost, people won’t have confidence in the post office and will stop using the postal service in the future.

Greenburgh Town Supervisor




                                          OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

                                        UNITED  STATES  POSTAL SERVICE




March 27, 2018





Paul J. Feiner

Supervisor, Town of Greenburgh

177 Hillside Avenue

Greenburgh, NY 10607


Dear  Mr. Feiner:


We received your January 23, 2018, correspondence to Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan regarding mail delivery service In Greenburgh, NY, forwarded to us by the U.S. Postal Service Office of Government Relations.


We reviewed the complaints provided by the residents of the Town of Greenburgh. We contacted Postal Service management to identify potential causes for the complaints and whether any actions were taken to remedy the issues. The Postal Service conducted a review of postal operations last year and determined operational procedures were not being followed. The Postal Service conducted a follow-up review in January 2018 and noted operations had improved. The Postal Service has visited post offices through the Northeast Area to improve service and customers' experiences. They are conducting monthly follow-up visits to area post offices and plan to include the Town of Greenburgh moving forward.


Based on the Postal Service's January 2018 review, we confirmed customer complaints and the number of carriers returning late had decreased. The Postal Service is taking corrective action to improve delivery, customer service, and processes. Based on postal management's actions, we have completed our review. We will continue to monitor delivery complaints and take additional action as appropr iate.


If you have questions related to this inquiry, please contact Alex Fiske, Senior Counsel and Director, Government Relations, at 703 248-2177.







Mark Duda

Assistant Inspector General for Audit






From: John Dirzius [mailto:jdirzius@apwu.org]

Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 4:36 PM

To: Paul Feiner <pfeiner@greenburghny.com>

Subject: Re: Mail Service


Good Afternoon Supervisor  Feiner;


On behalf of the American Postal Workers Union, both Kevin Smith, President Southern New York Area Local and myself would like to thank you for taking time today to meet with   us.


As we indicatedat our meeting the APWU shares your concerns and that of your constituents in having our postal customers receive the best possible postal   services.


APWU continues to fight the many challenges that undermine a public postal service from not only postal management, but from a host of regulatory, think tanks, and political organizations. There is little doubt that the USPS is and has been under attack.


For many years now the APWU has confronted the many issues that result in the undermining of American 's postal services...including a negative change in delivery standards, the closing of processing facilities that resulted in delayed mail, limiting hours of retail operations and short staffing that results in long lines at retail units and later and later delivery on the city carrier side.


It was good to hear that there appears to be some improvement in service over the past few weeks. However, it was also obvious that there remains an opportunity for further   improvements.


As I referenced at our meeting I personally  communicated    your concerns directly to my counterpart in management

- USPS Northeast Area Vice-Presdient Ed Phelan. As suggested maybe a meeting with Mr. Phelan and yourself would also be productive.


Let me assure you that APWU will also communicate to postal management that these poor service issues must continue to be investigated and resolved so that the USPS is providing the best possible service to our customers in  the Westchester District.


If service continues to deteriorate we will meet again and this time we will discuss organizing a joint rally in front of one of the nearby Post Offices. If it takes the community, our elected public officials, and postal labor to send a strong message to the Postmaster General that service must be improved so be it!


APWU also strongly encouraged residents and local officials to keep the pressure on and to contact local Congressional representatives as well.


As APWU National Presdlent  Mark  Dimondstein  recently  stated and we echoed his comments at today's

meeting... "Whatever challenges are facing the Postal Services, and there are challenges, the answer should not be


to cut and slash services. APWU will continue to remind our counterparls at postal headquarlers  that it is not called  the United States Postal Business, but rather the United States Postal    Service."


John H. Dirzius

Coordinator, Northeast Region American Postal Workers  Union


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