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Release Date: March 25, 2018

The Greenburgh Town Board will honor three amazing young people this Wednesday night who have worked hard to enhance the lives of others. They are students at Ardsley High School. Lisa Nagahama, Yilinn Yang and Loren Yu have been making a difference. I received thE following  summary of their accomplishments  from Alan Shapiro of the Interfaith Caring  Community of Greenburgh- highlighting their accomplishments.


Yesterday's student led march against violence in Ardsley, White Plains, NYC, Washington DC and around the country should give us hope for the future.   Our meeting starts at 8 PM at Greenburgh Town Hall (half hour later than usual). 


I am president of Interfaith caring Community of Greenburgh (founded in 1983) and I have been participating in Midnight run since its inception in 1984.  I have worked with some amazing teens  over these 35 years filled with compassion for others and who focus their lives on doing kindness for those in need – these are my heroes.  For over ten years my primary partner in kindness has been the Silver Lining Club, a service club at Ardsley High School.  Silver Lining is a group of kind and compassionate teens who are focused on being of service to others.  This year the co-presidents are Lisa Nagahama (Senior), Yilinn Yang (Senior) and the vice president is Loren Yu (Junior).  They are the wind beneath my wings.  I lead a monthly Midnight Run and one or more of my heroes are usually there. We get to NYC at about 10PM on Saturday night and leave at about 12:30-1am.  We bring food clothing and more important respect and friendship.  My heroes offer a positive energy which is so powerful that it breaks down all barriers.  We have been together on some bitterly cold and rainy nights.  They relate equally well to our volunteers of all ages and our street friends.  I attribute this to their obvious respect and compassion for others.  This means so much to homeless people. They organized volunteers for several shelter barbecues Interfaith holds in the Summer, including the Sanctuary and the Sally & Anthony Mann Center, and at one the band from Ardsley High School performed --- it was a blast.   They also organized volunteers for an annual Halloween party for the Coachman Family Shelter and the Sally & Anthony Mann Center held at my home.  They have organized a food collection at DeCicco's market in Ardsley run by Interfaith to benefit Hudson Valley Community Services and often cook with Interfaith at Ardsley United Community Church for Yonkers Sharing Community.  They volunteered for Dobbs Ferry Day at the Children’s Village table. They are leaders.  They take charge and makes things happen.  They help organize every project – they line up the volunteers, makes arrangements with venues and ( so very important) they are responsive and proactive.  We have a small group called Partners in Kindness dedicated to developing kindness in ourselves and others-they are all members.  

In their spare time they have done the following:

  • -MS Bike Tour: The Silver Lining members volunteered to help run a bike tour for the National MS Society. 

    -Relay for Life: Many Silver Lining members had volunteered to participate in Relay for Life, which is run by the American Cancer Society, in which they gathered a team to relay all night. One person from the team walks around the track, and then another person walks around the track, and so on. This event can last 6 - 24 hours, signifying that cancer never sleeps. 

    -Deja Brew: The Deja Brew is a bake sale at Ardsley High School where they sell coffee and other breakfast goods for students early in the morning. The money raised goes to the MS (Multiple Sclerosis) society and to buy gifts for the Pleasantville Cottage Campus Youth. 

    -Barnes & Noble Holiday Gift Wrapping: In this event, students volunteer to wrap gifts at Barnes & Nobles for the holiday season and generous donations are for a MS society. 

  • -Candy grams: At the high school, they sell candy canes with a small piece of paper attached in which people can purchase and write a small letter to their friends. The profits go to MS society. 

    -Ardsley Cares Day activities: Ardsley Cares Day is a day in which people from Ardsley and other towns gather to participate in events such as Clean Up Ardsley, or sorting food to send to shelters, and also donating their own goods. 







    Time & Date:  Sunday, April 8, 2018 3:00 p.m.


    Goal:                         To benefit Midnight Run

    Make checks payable to Midnight Run


    Place:                         Our Lady of Mount Carmel

    59 East Main Street

    Elmsford, NY

    Parking:                    in the church parking lot


    If you cannot come but would like to make a contribution,

    please use the above address, Attn:  Chris



    Ministerios Bethania

    Led By Jeff Aldana, Christian Rock And Worship





    Refreshments will be served following the concert.







    For Information Contact:

    OLMC at – 914-302-5383 or, or email: norrorum@msn.com  
    or Alan Shapiro at 914-671-2783 or ashapiro@phillipsnizer.com



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