On Saturday, March 24th, approximately 200 students mostly from Hastings will head to Washington DC to March for effective gun control legislation. SHARETHEPROJECT is organizing the effort. For those who can't get to Washington there will be a sister March for our Lives in Ardsley, NY to demand effective gun control legislation. According to student leader Rachel Kaufman of Ardsley High School:
"We march because our safety is NOT a partisan issue. Our lives are at stake and we should not have to learn in fear that each day might be our last. If lawmakers refuse to make change, we must do everything in our power to protect ourselves and those who could be victims of gun violence inthe future. Too many people - students, teachers, daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, community members - have died due to repeated INACTION and the lack of gun reform. We urge you to join us in the march for our safety and help us make adifference. Our community isn’t talking about gun violence enough because we are afraid to spark controversy or offend others. However, it is so important that we realize that our students’ lives will not be in our hands until we come together, stand up, voteand speak out against gun violence. The support of the whole Ardsley community will make us louder than ever. We hope to see you there. Change starts now, with us, with you.
Join us at Pascone Park at 11:00am on March 24th. There will be an introduction speech at 11:15, and we will begin marching shortly after. Our route will be from Pascone Park down Ashford Avenue towards American Legion and then loop up to McDowell via Heatherdell Road. We will convene at McDowell Field at 12:15pm for a rally lasting until 1:00pm.
11:15 Intro speech - Rachel Kaufman (Ardsley HS)
12:15-12:17: Senator Stewart Cousins speech
12:25: Manal Sayyed (Ardsley HS)
12:30-12:40: Ardsley Middle Schoolers Speak (Zafir Sayyed, Hannah Whitehead, Julia Edelstein & Sofia Caceres)
12:40: Paul Feiner
12:45/12:50: Mayor Kaboolian Speaks
12:55/1:00: closing speech Seeret Singh Ardsley HS)
Local marches:
March For Our Lives – Westchester County
1:00 pm White Plains Public Library Plaza (MLK Statue), Martine Avenue, White Plains, NY 10601
This march will begin at Post Road School and end at the MLK Statue (next to White Plains Public Library) for a rally and student speeches.
March for Our Lives – New York City
10:00 am 72nd Street and Central Park West RSVP here.
Meet at Duane Reade on Broadway between 71st and 72nd St. A rally will begin at 11:00 am in Central Park, and the March begins at 12 pm.
On Sunday afternoon there will be a panel discussion on gun violence at Woodlands Community Temple in Greenburgh.
MARCH 25TH, 2018 Woodlands Community temple
3pm – 5:30pm (Doors open at 2:30pm)
Gun violence in America is disproportionately frequent relative to other developed countries. School shootings make the news most dramatically, yet access to guns impacts the lethality of domestic violence, the frequency of successful suicides and contributes to the deaths of over 90 people per day in the United States.
Come learn about reducing gun violence via legislative and advocacy efforts.