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co mingle recycling still on...
Release Date: March 20, 2018

Co mingle recycling pickup is still ON for unincorporated Greenburgh tomorrow (Wed).  If road conditions get really bad we reserve the right to cancel the pickup during the day but will try our best to provide you with the service tomorrow. If we cancel I will provide updates.



Snow accumulation is likely to be significant with the potential for wind gusts.

Residents are asked to avoid travel as much as possible as road conditions may be slippery and visibility is likely to be impacted at times. Business and property owners are reminded to keep their sidewalks clear and safe for pedestrians.

Greenburgh DPW crews will be salting the roads and plowing the roads during the day. We have a very dedicated team of town employees dedicated to keep you safe during your travels.
Avoid downed power lines. If there are power outages call Con Ed at 1-800-75-CONED. If you are out of power - and want a place to warm up, please reach out to me and we will open up a shelter.
Con Ed has advised officials and the media that they have extra crews. Their website indicates that "Con Ed has extra crews ready." They warn "the fourth nor'easter in March bringing high winds and the kind of heavy, wet snow that brings down branches and trees-along with power lines- is forecast to begin late tonight and continue through Wednesday or Thursday." They anticipate 6 to 15 inches of heavy wet snow, possibly more than 18 inches north of NYC. 
Con Ed has retained about 350 mutual aid workers in addition to 2,000 of its own field forces and support personnel.
Feel free to call me anytime during the storm on my cell: 438-1343 or e mail me at pfeiner@greenburghny.com. I try to  personally get back to everyone who calls me quickly.


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