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Release Date: January 31, 2018

The Westchester delegation to the NYS Legislature will be holding a hearing on the NYS budget on Friday at Greenburgh Town Hall. I will be testifying around noon and plan to focus my attention on the need for the state to help local governments with road repaving. Roads around the state have many potholes and local governments need more help to address infrastructure needs. In Greenburgh there are state, county, town and village roads. Each government entity is only responsible for the roads within their jurisdiction.  Many of the NYS owned roads located in Greenburgh have been neglected and are in need of repaving.  We will also be looking for the state to repave neglected roads that are state owned.


I  will be pushing for state funding for more sidewalks on state roads (W Hartsdale Ave, Knollwood, Hillside, Central Ave, Dobbs Ferry Road as an example). Another goal: financial help from NYS  for traffic safety initiatives on Jackson Ave –leading to Ridge Hill and the Austin Ave development. The section of Jackson Ave that comes under the jurisdiction of Greenburgh is used by people from all over the county –people who shop at Yonkers Ridge Hill development, Costco, Home Depot or Stew Leonard’s. We have been advised that safety improvements could cost up to $7 million dollars.


Finally, the Ardsley Secor Ambulance Corp is looking for financial help to purchase a new ambulance (ambulance cost needs are about $250,000). The Ambulance Corp is staffed with dedicated volunteers who have saved many lives over the years.


If you would like to testify at this hearing – please RSVP to the Assembly (contact info below).








Notice of Public Forum


SUBJECT:  To allow local organizations, elected officials, residents, and communities of Westchester County to share their views on the Governor's Executive Budget for SFY 2018-2019.


February 2, 2018

10:30 AM - 2:00 PM


Greenburgh Town Hall

177 Hillside Avenue, Greenburgh, NY 10523


Contact:  Lisa Urban at (914) 939-7028



Persons who wish to comment on the proposed budget should so indicate on the reply form attached.  The Westchester Assembly Delegation will accommodate as many participants as possible.  Persons wishing to make a presentation at the forum should complete and return the reply form as soon as possible, but no later than the close of business, Wednesday, January 31st.  It is important that the reply form be fully completed and returned so that persons may be notified in the event of postponement or cancellation of the forum.


To the extent possible, the Westchester Assembly Delegation will try to accommodate any individuals wishing to testify who have not pre-registered, but are present at the forum.


We also encourage the submission of written comments, which will be fully considered by the delegation.  Written comments may be emailed as an attachment in any common format to the Westchester Assembly Delegation in care of:


Lisa Urban at urbanl@nyassembly.gov


Witnesses are asked to keep oral presentations to no more than five minutes in length.  In preparing the order of witnesses, the Westchester Assembly Delegation will attempt to accommodate individual requests to speak at particular times in view of special circumstances.  This request should be made on the attached reply form or to the delegation staff as soon as possible.  Please bring ten copies of any prepared statement with you to the forum.


Accommodations will be provided for individuals with disabilities, upon reasonable request, to afford such individuals access and admission to the forum.



Persons wishing to present comments at the February 2nd  forum are requested to complete this reply form and return by mail, fax or email to:


Lisa Urban

Office of Assemblyman Steve Otis

222 Grace Church Street

Port Chester, NY 10573

(914) 939-7028 (o)

(914) 939-7167 (fax)


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