Please be patient. There are many tree branches and debris all over town. We have crews out every day. I have authorized overtime for tomorrow (Saturday) so we can address storm damage. Bring branches/debris to curb. If you bag the leaves they will be picked up quicker. The entire sanitation and highway departments are working on addressing this problem.
However…it is important to recognize the fact that there is so much out there that it is impossible to clear up everything immediately. We hope that you’ll notice a significant difference next week at this time but it probably will take a few weeks to get all the debris.
Because the phones are ringing off the hook it is better to e mail me or the department of public works ( your concerns. In the event of emergencies call the police.
Again—please be patient. We will do the best we can. I PROMISE YOU THAT WE WILL WORK VERY HARD TRYING TO CLEAN UP THE STORM DAMAGE