At last nights Town Board meeting Central 7 School Board members requested that their meetings be televised. I have spoken to George Malone, cable TV access coordinator for the town. He has agreed to televise the Central 7 School Board meetings and to provide basic training for students. We are in a position to televise Central 7 School Board meetings immediately. The school is not wired so the meetings won’t be live ---but we will work with Cablevision to help the school district get the appropriate wires so their meetings can be aired live.
In addition-------I will be writing a letter to the Edgemont School Board inviting them to also have their meetings televised on cable TV. This can be done immediately. We will also offer their students training. A meeting has been scheduled for Friday January 9th at 3 PMat GreenburghTown Hallto discuss with Cablevision ways the town can assist the school districts enhance cable TV services in the schools. This is a major priority of mine.