More heartbreaking news from the fire on E Hartsdale Ave. Received the following e mail from one of the burnt out victims of 300 S Central Ave. "It was a horrifying experience........I have lost my job after 9/ll and have not been able to find full time employment. In order to pay my rent and other essential living expenses I've had to use my savings...which are just about depleted. Homeowners insurance was one of the corners I had to cut in order to get by. I have no relatives to whom I can appeal for financial assistance. The Red Cross has aided me with lodging for two nights but I need to find new living quarters as my apartment is one of those which has been severely damaged....
Another family contacted me looking for help finding temporary housing. They can only afford $800-$850. Their 3 year old granddaughter, who stays with them a lot, is concerned about her dolls which are lost.......
SOME GOOD NEWS---The Have a Heart for the Homeless Committee already gave one family $l000-. We're continuing to collect donations (100% of donations go directly to families). Send contributions (tax deductible) to Have a Heart for Homeless Committee, c/o Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner, PO Box 205, Elmsford, NY 10523.
SOME PEOPLE ARE THE GREATEST---Received a call from a couple who are going to let a family reside in a vacant apartment they own for 3 months, rent free. When they sell the apartment they will donate the furniture to the couple.
COUPLE NEED PLACE TO LIVE WITH 2 DOGS---one of the families who have been victimized by the fire have significant medical problems. They're devastated that they will have to separate from their dogs temporarily.