We desperately are looking for volunteers (and for people interested in making some dollars) to serve as snow angels. There are many senior citizens, people with disabilities, who can't shovel their driveways when it snows. Some are on fixed incomes, others on the meals and wheels program (they may not have access to food if their driveways aren't shoveled). It's getting increasingly difficult to find people to shovel. If you'd like to volunteer and become a snow angel (helping those on limited incomes) or if you're interested in helping out by shoveling driveways for a fee please e mail me at pfeiner@greenburgh.com or call me at 993 l540 (office), 478 l2l9 (home). PAUL FEINER PS: My back is starting to hurt--having shoveled out a couple of driveways of seniors -- doing another one or two after work!