One of the most enjoyable and creative holiday lighting ceremonies takes place in Elmsford each December. On Thursday evening, after the holiday lights are turned on, take an old fashioned horse and wagon ride from Elmsford Village Hall to the senior center. It's always a terrific event--a reason why so many people love living in a small town. And, children will always remember the experience taking the horse and wagon to Santa!
Paul Feiner
December 5, 2016
Village of Elmsford’s
Celebration of Lights
Thursday, December 8th
6:30 P.M. Elmsford Village Hall
* Musical Selections from Alice E. Grady Chorus & Band
* Visit from Santa
* Old Fashioned Horse & Wagon Ride to Senior Center
* Special Gift and Refreshments
* Must bring your camera for photo with Santa
*the village holds a separate Chanukah event later this month