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Everyone in town will get garbage pickup on Monday! ---explanation calendar mailing errors
Release Date: December 29, 2018

We are all very upset with a problem with the calendar mailing some residents have received.  This year we tried very hard to make the calendar easier to use for all residents. Instead of sending one calendar to the entire town we decided to send separate calendars to different sections of town --highlighting only your pickup schedule. Less confusing.

What happened? The calendar was mailed to everyone this past week. The mailing house we use made an error and sent some residents the right calendar,  others received two calendars.  Some people got no calendar.

We will be printing new calendars and correcting the mistake--which we're sick over.

However---in the meantime check the town website: www.greenburghny.com  for the correct calendar info.


SOME POSITIVE NEWS ABOUT GARBAGE COLLECTION --TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE HOME THIS WEEK --EVERYONE IN TOWN WILL GET THEIR GARBAGE PICKED UP ON MONDAY!  On Wednesday the new sanitation/recycling schedule takes effect. And starting next week during non holiday weeks there will be weekly paper and commingle pickups and twice a week garbage pickup.  A big improvement in service. Residents are getting lots of boxes (due to e commerce) and need weekly pickup of paper. And the town saves money when people recycle.


Again, please accept our apologies for the mailing inconveniences. Problems happen. We're going to do our best to make the transition to the new sanitation schedule as stressless as possible.  A big thank you to the Public Works team for their quick actions after learning of the mailing house problem.


New year, new problem.
Apparently,  the company we use for the bulk mailings of the calendars made an error.  They mailed two calendars (blue and yellow) to the same addresses and did not mail any to the yellow list.
This has created  bit of a problem.   We have residents getting two calendars (blue and yellow)  while others have no calendar! 
Plus, as they mailed all the calendars printed, the printer must now print new yellow calendars.   Thus should all be resolved Monday, but that means a quarter of the Town has no calendar. 
Despite all our planning and preparation,  the mailing firm made an error.  Very frustrating. 
Victor G. Carosi, P.E.
Commissioner of Public Works
Town of Greenburgh 

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